Wednesday, June 25, 2008

5km Run

Finally did my first run in JKT. Woke up at abt 5.30am (JKT time). Put on my running shoe and off me go. Basically running ard the Taman Anggrek Estate. Thank God I have my Nike+ w me. Completed 5km run in 38mins.... Feels good, should wake up @ 5am cos the sir would be fresher and better.... there's just too much pollution over here....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

TOUCHRUN: fund raising event for charity.

3rd August 08, sunday.
7am, East Coast Park Castle Beach.
5km fun run: $15
10km competitive run: $25

Co-partners: SGRunners

hi! if you are interested in participating in this run, do sign up with your friends! :D

registration ends at 14 july 08.
for more information:

anderson junior college.